


計畫總主持人介紹 / 主持人個人資歷

Timothy Joseph Lane 藍亭 (Sep 16, 2015)   






通訊地址: 11031 台北市 信義區 吳興街 250


           台北醫學大學 人文暨社會科學院






(辦公室)+886-2-2736-1661 (分機 2812)


(傳真) +886-2-2785-1787






電子信箱:timlane@tmu.edu.tw; timothylane@gate.sinica.edu.tw; timlane13@gmail.com










































聖路易大學附屬高中 (St. Louis, MO)1967年至1971年)


印第安那大學(Bloomington, IN)學術領域:醫學院預科、學士學位19718月至197312月)


匹茲堡大學 (Pittsburgh, PA)19748月年至19878月)




華盛頓大學(St. Louis, MO)1991年至19921995年至1996年)








國立政治大學神經科學研究所專任教授以及心智, 大腦, 與學習研究中心研究員 (講師, 副教授及, 及教授—1984-2012.)


國立政治大學, 理學院, 副院長, (2012, 婉拒此職)


國立政治大學研究發展處學術評鑑組組長, 2006-2008. 


國立中正大學哲學系兼任教授, 2008-2012.


華盛頓大學在聖路易兼任教師, 1995-1996.


國立政治大學哲學系兼任教授, 1992-2009.


匹茲堡大學兼任教師, 1986-1987.


中央研究院研究訪問學者, 1981-1984. 


馬里蘭大學兼任教師, 1980.


杜肯大學兼任教師, 1979.


匹茲堡大學教學助理,研究助理及教師, 1974-1978. 






National Honor Society國家榮譽學會, 1967-1971 (Anna F. Backer Chapter).


Joseph and Frances Morgan-Swain Fellow, 1971-1973.


National Defense Education Act Fellow, 1976-1978.


Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellow, 1981-1982.


National Institute of Mental Health Fellow, 1982-1984.


Pacific-Cultural Foundation Fellow, 1984-1985.


Outstanding Pedagogy Award, National Chengchi University國立政治大學教學特優獎, 2002-2003.


Innovative Course Design Award, Ministry of Education教育部人文社會學科學術強化創新計畫, 2006. 


Scholarly Research Internationalization Award, National Chengchi University學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎, 2007.


Outstanding Research Award, National Chengchi University國立政治大學學術研究獎, 2010-2011.


National Science Council Special Achievement Award國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才, 2011-2012 (100-3114-C-004-001-ES)


National Science Council Outstanding Research Award國家科學委員會傑出研究獎, 2012.


Excellence in Research Award, National Chengchi University國立政治大學學術研究獎-研究特優獎, 2012.


National Science Council Special Achievement Award國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才, 2012-2013. 


Distinguished Research Professorship, Institute of Neuroscience, National Chengchi University特聘教授, 國立政治大學神經科學研究所, 2012-2015. (婉拒此職)


Major External Research Grant Award, Taipei Medical University台北醫學大學大型研究計畫獎, 2014.


Basler Chair of Excellence for the Integration of the Arts, Rhetoric, and Science, Eastern Tennessee State University田納西州立大學傑出講座獎, 2014-2015.


Taipei Medical University, Philosophy of Mind-Chaired Professorship台北醫學大學心智哲學講座教授February 1, 2012~Present. 






Tuition Assistance Scholarship獎學金, St. Louis University High School (St. Louis, MO). 1967-1971.


Joseph and Frances Morgan-Swain Fellowship獎學金, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN), 1971-1973.


Teaching Assistant and Teaching Fellowships教學助理及研究員獎學金, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 1974-1979. 


National Defense Education Act Fellowship獎學金, 1976-1978.


Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship基金會獎學金, 1981-1982.


計畫主持人National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship美國國家心理健康學會1982-1984. (1 F31 MH 08417-01). 經費總額:80,000 (USD).


Pacific-Cultural Foundation Fellowship太平洋文化基金會, 1984-1985.


Washington University in St. Louis Fellowship華盛頓大學在聖路易獎學金, 1991-1992 & 1995-1996.


計畫主持人2008-2011年:國家科學委員會三年連續計畫。計畫名稱-「自我與現象意識」(97-2410-H-004-154-MY3).  經費總額:2,179,000 (NTD)


計畫主持人2011-2014年:國家科學委員會三年連續計畫。  計畫名稱-「歸屬:心智歸屬論及研究綱領」 (100-2410-H-004-139-MY3). 經費總額:2,586,000 (NTD)


計畫主持人2013-2014國家科學委員會二年連續計畫。計畫名稱-「酬賞發生時的神經元活動能預測自我關聯性嗎?」(102-2420-H-038-002-MY2)經費總額:2,460,000 (NTD)


計畫主持人2013-2015國家科學委員會三年連續計畫。  計畫名稱- 「自我,意識與神經哲學」(102-2420-H-038-001-MY3)經費總額:2,086,000 (NTD)


計畫主持人2014-2016國家科學委員會三年連續計畫。計畫名稱- 『培育年輕人才意識哲學』. 102-2420-H-038-004-MY3)經費總額:10,589,000 (NTD)


計畫主持人2013-現在 台北醫學大學特色研究團隊腦神經與意識.  經費總額:2,000,000 (NTD).


計畫共同主持人2014-2015 科技部二年連續計畫。「以磁振造影探討入睡歷程意識轉變之神經生理基礎 (103-2420-H-004-MY2)經費總額:2,235,000 (NTD).


計畫主持人2014-2015意識損傷病人唑吡坦 (Zolpidem) 治療作用的預測一項多模式影像研究 (103-2811-H-038 -002 ) 補助延攬客座專家經費總額:922,000 (NTD).


計畫主持人2015-2017科技部三年連續計畫。  計畫名稱-「情緒與宗教信仰對於道德判斷上的影響-以核磁造影作為研究工具」(104-2420-H-038 -001 -MY3). 經費總額:3,807,000 (NTD).






(Under revision) Timing disownership in the rubber hand illusion.


(In preparation) Baseline alpha-band spectral power differences correlate with susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion.


(Submitted) “So, you knew it all along”? An fMRI study on the Hindsight Bias before and after a political election (Co-authored with G. Northoff, et al.)


(Under revision for Cognition) Shifting attention to the rubber hand.  (Co-authored with Su-Ling Yeh)


2015 Rationality: Constraints and Contexts. Elsevier.  (Co-edited with T. W. Hung.)


2015 Rationality and its contexts.  In Lane, T. and Hung, T. W. Eds. Rationality: Constraints and Contexts. Elsevier. 


2015 Are depressive ruminations rational? In Lane, T. and Hung, T. W. Eds.


      Rationality: Constraints and Contexts. Elsevier.  (Co-authored with


      Georg Northoff.)


2015 Self, belonging, and conscious experience: A critique of subjectivity theories of consciousness.  In R. Gennaro, Ed. Disturbed Consciousness: New Essays on Psychopathology and Theories of Consciousness.  Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 103-140.   


2015 Resting state glutamate predicts pre-stimulus alpha increase during  


    self-relatedness—A combined EEG-MRS study on rest-self overlap. Social


Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2015.1072582 (Co-corresponding with


Northoff, G.)


2015 GABA-A Receptor Deficits Predict Recovery in Patients With Disorders of


Consciousness: A Preliminary Multimodal [11C] Flumazenil PET and fMRI


Study.  Human Brain Mapping doi: 10.1002/hbm.22883. (Co-authored with P.


Qin, G. Northoff, et al.)


2014 When actions feel alien: An explanatory model.  In Hung, T. W. Ed. Communicative Action.  Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 53-74. 


2013 Neuroexistentialism, Eudaimonics, and Positive Illusions. In B. Kaldis, Ed. Mind and Society: Cognitive Science Meets the Social Sciences.  Synthese Library Series, Springer. (Co-authored with Owen Flanagan.)


2012 Toward an Explanatory Framework for Mental Ownership. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11(2): 251-286.


2011 Self-Consciousness and Immunity. The Journal of Philosophy 108, 2: 78-99. (Co-authored with Caleb Liang)


2010 The Threshold of Wakefulness, the Experience of Control, and Theory Development.  Consciousness and Cognition 19: 1095-1096. (Co-authored with C. M. Yang)


2010 What Subjective Experiences Determine the Perception of Falling Asleep During the Sleep Onset Period? Consciousness and Cognition 19: 1084-1092.  (Co-authored with C. M. Yang et al.)


2010 The Ethics of False Belief.  EurAmerica Vol. 40, 3: 591-633. (TSSCI).


2010 Issues at the Intersection of Ethics, Evolution, and Neuroscience.  EurAmerica Vol. 40, 3: 519-527.


2010 Mental Ownership and Higher-Order Thought Analysis (July) 70, 3: 496-501.  (Co-authored with Caleb Liang)


2009 Higher-Order Thought and Pathological Selves: The Case of Somatoparaphrenia Analysis (October) 69: 661-668.  (Co-authored with Caleb Liang)


2008 Higher-Order Thought and the Problem of Radical Confabulation The Southern Journal of Philosophy XLVI (1): 69-98. (Co-authored with Caleb Liang)


2008 Pain without Power NCCU Philosophical Journal 20: 123-182.








2015 (August) A dispositional HOT theory of belonging: Assessing the neural plausibility of HOT Theory’s dispositional account of self and belonging. Higher-Order Theories and Mental Qualities: A conference in honor of David Rosenthal.  Taipei, Taiwan.  August 3-5, 2015. 


2015 (July) Oral Presentation:  Implications of the “Lazarus Response” for understanding the relationship between for-me-ness and phenomenal characters. 19th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Paris, France. July 7-10. 


2015 (May) Neuroscience and philosophy:  Closing the gap.  Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, National Central University.  Chungli, Taiwan.


2015 (April) Religion and the Brain. East Tennessee State University—The Wayne G. Basler Lecture.


2015 (February) Loss of self and consciousness: Somatoparaphrenia, sleep, vegetative state, and MTBI.  Center for Neural Regenerative Medicine, Taipei Medical University. 


2014 (October) Philosophy and the Brain.  Shuang Ho Hospital.  New Taipei City, Taiwan. 


2014 (October) In search of the self: From The Exorcist to Vegetative State Patients.  East Tennessee State University—The Wayne G. Basler Lecture.


2014 (August) Lane, T. and Northoff, G. “Is depressive rumination rational?”  IEAS Conference on Reason and Rationality.  Academia Sinica.  Taipei, Taiwan. 


2014 (July) Lane, T., Yeh, S. L., et al. The “lingering alpha effect”:  Baseline alpha-band spectral power differences correlate with susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion.  18th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Brisbanne, Australia. July 16-19.


2014 (May) Yeh, S. L., Lane, T., et al. Difference between eyes-closed and eyes-open resting state alpha power is an indicator of susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion.  Vision Sciences Society 13th Annual Meeting. St. Pete, Florida, USA. 


2013 (September) C. Y. Lin, G. Northoff, T. Lane, and N. S. Yen.  “The neural correlates of hindsight bias in political elections and general knowledge events.”  Society for Neuroeconomics Annual Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland. September 27-29. 


2013 (September) “Actions subjectively experienced are actions that seem not to belong to me.” Academia Sinica, International Conference on Language and Action.  September 17-18.


2013 (July). Timothy Lane, Su-Ling Yeh, and An-Yi Chang. “Switching attention to the rubber hand.” 17th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. San Diego, USA.  July 12-15.


2013 (July). Lee-Xieng Yang and Timothy Lane. “A computational model of the rubber hand illusion.” 17th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. San Diego, USA.  July 12-15.


2013 (July 5). “Neuroethics: A personal view”.  National Cheng Kung University, College of Medicine.  Tainan, Taiwan. 


2013 (March 26) “Science verifies philosophy, while philosophy enriches science.” Invited Lecture.  National Chengchi University, Office of Research andDevelopment. 


2013 (February 15-28) “Alienation and self-presentation.” Invited Commenter for Special Session on Self-Consciousness. The 5th Online Consciousness Conference.  http://consciousnessonline.com/


2013 (February 5-6) “Neurophilosophy: neuroscience and consciousness.”  Workshop on neuroscience, the humanities, and the social sciences.  The MRI Center, National Cheng Kung University. 


2012 (December 4) “Estrangement Experiences.”  International Workshop on Consciousness—Consciousness: neural predispositions, privacy, and entropy.  Research Center for Mind, Brain, and Learning, National Chengchi University.


2012 (November 17-18) “The forensic self: self-, thick-, and exculpatory- experiences.” 2012 Conference on Normative Philosophy.  Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 


2012 (November 6, 2012) “Self, brain, and the experience of belonging.” Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. 


2012 (October 26, 2012) “‘Culture’ is too coarse-grained to play an explanatory role in science or philosophy.”  International Conference on Mind Sciences, Humanity, and Culture. National Taiwan University College of Medicine. 


2012 (October 14, 2012) Invited Talk: “Pathologies and illusions of belonging or estrangement and their implications for the understanding of self.”  The 51st Annual Conference of the Taiwan Psychological Association. 


2012 (September) Invited Talk: “The sub-personal self.”  First Conference on Contemporary Philosophy in East Asia.  Academia Sinica. Taipei, Taiwan. 


2012 (September) An-Yi Chang, Timothy Lane, and Su-Ling Yeh. “Timing the rubber hand illusion: Owning the rubber hand involves substitution, not addition.”  European Conference on Visual Perception, Alghero, Italy.  


2012 (July) Invited Talk: “Mental Belonging as a Multi-Dimensional Phenomenon.” School of Psychological Sciences, University of Manchester, UK. 


2012 (July) Timothy Lane and Georg Northoff, “Mineness, minimal self, and self-related processing.” 16th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Brighton, UK.  July 2-6.  (Concurrent Talk)


2012 (March) “Self-relatedness and the ‘isomeric’ model of mental belonging.” Workshop on Neuroethics, Neurophilosophy, and Philosophy of Science.  National Ching Hua University, Institute of Philosophy. 


2012 (February) What fMRI studies reveal about consciousness.  Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience.  National Chengchi University, Department of Psychology and the Research Institute for Mind, Brain, and Learning. 


2011 (December) “Modeling the relationship between self and conscious mental states.” International Workshop on Self in Humans and Machines: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Robotics.  National Chung Cheng University, Center for Research in Cognitive Science. 


2011 (November) Neuroexistentialism: Platonic and Tertullian Conceptions of Belief.  Conference on Normative Philosophy.  Academia Sinica. 


2011 (October) Pao-Chou Cho, Timothy Lane, and Su-Ling Yeh, “Action-Induced Rubber Hand Illusion,” 12th International Multisensory Research Forum, Tohoku University, Japan. 


2011 (September) Kevin Wu and Timothy Lane, “Media Impact on Individual Suicidality: Could such an Experiment be Ethically Acceptable?” 12th Asian Bioethics Conference.  National Taiwan University. 


2011 (June 13-14) ‘Toward an explanatory framework for mental ownership.’ International Workshop on Self-Consciousness, National Yang Ming University. 


2011 (June 9-12) ‘Self-Specificity and Mineness’ 15th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Kyoto, Japan.  Also: Chair for session, “Theories and Models of Consciousness.”


2010 (December 10) ‘Self and Consciousness.’ National Yang Ming University. 


2010 (November 19) ‘Media Impact on Individual Suicidality: A Proposal for an Ethical Neuroimaging Study’ Conference on Neuroscience, Mind, and Law, sponsored by the Center for Ethics, Law and Society of National Taiwan University. 


2010 (October 25-26) ‘Self-Consciousness and the Rubber Hand Illusion.’ International Conference on Perception and Self-Consciousness.  National Taiwan University. 


2010 (August 17-20) ‘Self-Consciousness and Immunity.’  The 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science.  Beijing, China. 


2010 (June) ‘Mental Ownership Constrains the Rubber Hand Illusion’ 14th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Toronto, June 24-27.  (Concurrent Talk)


2009 (November 21) ‘Positive Illusions and the Ethics of Belief.’ Neuroscience of Ethics and Decision Making: Philosophy, Ethics, and Policy Issues of “Seeing the Mind.” National Taiwan University. 


2009 (November 1) ‘Self-Consciousness and Immunity’ Taiwan Logic and Analytic Philosophy Inaugural Conference.  National Taiwan University. 


2009 (June) ‘Somatoparaphrenia and Immunity to Error through Misidentification.’ 13th Annual Meeting for the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness. Berlin, June 5-8.  (Concurrent Talk)


2009 (May) ‘Self-Consciousness and the Immunity Principle.’  Yang-Ming and Soochow Co-Workshop on Metaphysics.  National Yang Ming University.


2009 (April) ‘The Intersection of Ethics and Neuroscience.’ Neuroscience, Ethics and Law II.  National Taiwan University.    


2008 (December) ‘A soft self with a hard core: prospects for the soft-assembly view of self.’  Conference: Body, Cognition and Meaning III.  Academia Sinica, Institute of European and American Studies. 


2008 (June) ‘Pathological self and the higher-order thought theory of consciousness.’  Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness 12. 


2007 (October) ‘Eight questions in neuroethics.  The Tenth Humanities Association Conference—Technology and Human Values.  National Chengchi University.


2007 (August) ‘HOT and the problem posed by Anton’s Syndrome when accompanied by hallucinations.’  13th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy. 


2007 (June) ‘The explanatory inadequacy of higher-order thought theory of consciousness.’  Soochow Conference on Analytic Philosophy.  Soochow University. 


2007 (April) ‘Higher-order thought and the problem of radical confabulation.’ National Taiwan University Conference on Methodology and Philosophy of Science.


2006 (November) ‘Jaynes-Dennett-Rosenthal.’  The Third Conference on Experience and Truth.  Soochow University. 


2006 (May) ‘Tertullian Beliefs.’  International Conference on Naturalized Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.  Soochow University. 




研究合作者: :


20153月份起擔任台北醫學大學-雙和醫院大腦與意識研究中心、創立及兼主任 ( http://consciousbrain.tmu.edu.tw/intro/super_pages.php?ID=intro1 )


  1. 進行中計畫: 

    • 以腦電波儀探討橡膠手錯覺現象(2012~2014);

    • 以功能性核磁造影-磁振光譜-腦電波探討重度憂鬱症之靜息與自我狀態(2012~2014);

    • 以功能性核磁造影-腦電波探討睡眠意識狀態變化;

    • 以功能性核磁造影-腦電波探討思覺失調症之靜息與意識變化;

    • 功能性核磁造影-磁振光譜-正子斷層掃描探討Zolpidem藥物預測微意識病人的意識狀態變化研究.;

    • 輕度腦傷和阿茲海默症的發病機率: 跨顱磁刺激、功能性磁振造影、腦波等,從多重研究模式(multi-modal approach)找出早期神經退化的指標


  2. 規劃中計畫:多重造影模式探討自我與意識狀態-包含麻醉狀態、失智症、腦傷病患、抗NMDA受體之腦炎症、幻肢妄想症等.


  3. 方法:使用多重影像模式探討眾多神經科學現象,使用的儀器與技術包含功能性核磁造影(fMRI),磁振光譜(MRS),正子斷層掃描(CT- PET),腦電波(EEG), 直流刺激器(TMS), 及高速穿顱磁波刺激器(tDCS).



    意識科學國際研究學會 (Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness)

    美國心理科學學 (Association for Psychological Science)





    科技部 (哲學,心理學 功能性磁振造影)

    國家科學委員會 (哲學,心理學 功能性磁振造影)




    國立台灣大學 (哲學,心理學 功能性磁振造影)












    Philosophical Psychology

    Review of Philosophy and Psychology

    Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences

    Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice

    East Asian Science Technology and Society an International Journal



    教育部顧問室-強化台灣特色人文培育諮詢會議委員 2009~~

    國立中正大學哲學系教評會 2009~~

    國立中正大學認知科學博班籌備委員會委員 2011~





    研究倫理 (IRB) 籌備委員會委員 (2009~2011)

    四維講座創立及執行者 (2006-2008)

    人文中心的神經-倫理學部門籌備負責人 (2007-2008)

    政治大學人文學系籌備負責人 (2006-2008)

    校務會議代表(1992年至 2009年)




    博班導師 2004-2006年)


    校優秀學生遴選委員會委員 2004年)



    1. Reinhard Selten:  1994 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主, 2008

    2. John Barrow:  劍橋大學傑出的宇宙論學者與坦普頓獎得主 (Templeton Prize), 2008

    3. Allan Hobson:  哈佛大學著名的精神科教授,提出了夢的激發-整合理論, (Activation Synthesis Model)以及意識的AIM(Activation-Information-Modulation)理論, 2007

    4. Randall Collins: 賓州大學卓越的社會學家,現為美國社會學會主席, 2008

    5. Christopher Achen: 美國普林斯頓大學傑出的政治學者,美國院士, 2008

    6. David Rosenthal: 高階思想與心靈特質理論國際研討會:David Rosenthal致敬、2015. 



    院教評會 2004-2005年)



    創立台北醫學大學-雙和醫院大腦與意識研究中心 (2015.5)



    人文暨社會科學院、院長 2014~

    院教評會議代表 2012~

    院務會議代表   2013~

    人體研究委員會  2015~







    高等生理心理學 (台大與政大共同開課,教授「意識生理」相關主題)



















    Carl G. Hempel

    匹茲堡大哲學系,(University Professor) 講座教授。

    Georg Northoff

    渥太華大學、Michael Smith神經科學與心理健康講座教授,及加拿大心智大腦影像與神經倫理學國家講座教授

    David Rosenthal


    Allan Hobson


    John B. Schweitzer














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